Lunch & Learn
Booms Stone is excited to announce the availability of Natural Stone Education classes. These continuing education courses are offered in conjunction with the Marble Institute of America, the stone industry’s leading information resource. Continuing education credits through the AIA, IDCEC, ASID, LACES, ASLA, NKBA, and GBCI.
Two Learning Options
Lunch and Learn at Your Facility
Lunch and Learn at Our Fabrication Facility
Booms Stone Company’s continuing education courses are available in conjunction with:

Course Details
- 2015 CEU Series Available for All AIA Chapters
- Earn Learning Units (LU) in Health, Safety & Welfare (HSW)
- Michigan’s Only Marble Institute of America Accredited Company
Now Scheduling
#1: Natural Stone 101: Everything you NEED to know about designing with the oldest building material
AIA: MIA10, 1.0 HSW LU
IDCEC: CEU-103265, 0.1 HSW CEU
NKBA: MIA159R, 0.1 CEU
- Obtain a better understanding about how the mineral
composition and formation of stone affect its performance as
a building material. - Learn about the science of each species of stone, examples
of how it is quarried, unique characteristics, and common
applications. - Gain knowledge about stone fabrication and finishing
methods. - Understand the resources available that are relevant to
natural stone.
#2: Natural Stone and Green Design
AIA: MIA09, 1.0 HSW LU
IDCEC: CEU-102590, 0.1 HSW CEU
GBCI: 0090010893, 1 CE Hour
NKBA: MIA158R, 0.1 CEU
Understanding the characteristics of natural stone and its
historical uses
- Understanding how natural stone fits into the Green
Movement - Understanding how natural stone relates to current green
building standards - Understanding how the natural stone industry is reducing
environmental impacts
#3: Tour Credit- Natural Stone: The Evolving Marketplace, Technology & Product Applications
AIA: 2011TL, 1.0 HSW LU
NKBA: MIA113R, 0.1 CEU
IDCEC: CEU-101088, 0.1 General CEU
NKBA: MIA151R, 0.1 LU
- Learn about the history of stone, modern day quarrying
techniques, and stone’s durability, beauty, and value. - Study and discuss landscape, interior and exterior use and
application of natural stone. - Obtain information about integrating trims, caps, stoops,
poolcopings, watertables, veneers, etc into your designs. - Tour a stone facility and view stone, stone applications,
safety practices and/or the equipment used to fabricate
Booms Stone Company is proud to be Detroit’s source for CEU’s about natural stone.
“I appreciated the stone presentation you made. The stone manual is a great resource and will get a lot of use.”
-Christopher Sarnecki, AIA Associate, Albert Kahn Associates
“Thank you for hosting this event. I found it very interesting and informative. The tour was especially valuable to me. Your presentation was excellent!”
-Nancy Lovaas, AIA Principal Operations, Ford & Earl Associates, Inc.