Exterior Marble Cladding
Location: Detroit, MI
Owner: Detroit Institute of Art
Scope of Work: Exterior marble cladding (book-matched panels); 65,000 sf of stonework.
- Vermont Imperial Danby Marble
- Stanstead Gray Granite
- Cambrian Black Granite
The Detroit Institute of Art renovation project started in 2004 renovating the North and South exhibition wings of the Art Museum by removing all of the existing granite cladding. In addition to furnishing and installing the new marble cladding, we installed all of the steel support and continuous aluminum extrusions to anchor the marble cladding. The veining characteristic of the marble was very important to the design and was agreed upon after visits to the quarry in Vermont by the architect, general contractor, and the installer. All large panels on this project were to be ‘book matched’. In order to accomplish this, all pieces had to be cut from mirrored slabs to ensure the veining matched exactly. All pieces were ticketed, fabricated and shipped in these pairs to accomplish this dramatic effect. Almost four years after the initial shipment of stone the project was complete and all of the exterior marble cladding, the new granite pavers at the front entrance, and interior marble floors were open to the public.
Project Duration: 2004-2007