Exterior and Interior Stone Cladding
Location: Birmingham, MI
Owner: Harvey Weiss
General Contractor: The Ronnisch Construction Group
Architect: Hobbs & Black
Materials: Emperador Light, Emperador Dark, Bottacino, Cambrian Black, Pearl White, Cygnus, Caledonia
- Exterior Stone Cladding – 2,095 Sq. Ft.
- Interior Stone Cladding – 15,284 Sq. Ft
Description: The Balmoral is a mixed-use, 5 story office building in the heart of Birmingham MI. It features, White pearl granite floors, with Emperador Light, Bottacino and Cambrian Black Stone cladding walls, installed in the old world craftsman’s style wire and plaster method. Its lavish interior features Ciot Cygnus counter tops along with Italian Porcelain tile laid in a Brick Joint pattern. The Exterior stone cladding is composed of 1 ¼” Caledonia Granite.
Project Duration: 8 Months
Photos by: Laszlo Regos